Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring

Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring

The YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program is a four-month program that supports adults with hypertension in lowering and managing their blood pressure.

According to the American Heart Association, nearly 80 million adults have high blood pressure in this country. Less than half have it under control. Learn more about the YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring program to learn how you can control your blood pressure.

What is the YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program?

The YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program (BPSMP) supports adults with hypertension in lowering and managing their blood pressure. The four-month program focuses on practicing home self-monitoring of blood pressure readings and individualized nutrition education for better blood pressure management. With the support from a trained Healthy Heart Ambassador (HHA), participants:

  • Measure and record their blood pressure at least two times per month (provided with blood pressure cuff)
  • Attend two personalized consultations per month with their HHA
  • Attend monthly Nutrition Education Seminars
  • YMCA membership included for non-members

What are the criteria to participate?

  • Adults: 18 years old or older
  • Diagnosed with high blood pressure and/or are on antihypertensive medication
  • Have NOT experienced a recent cardiac event (within the last 12 months)
  • DO NOT have atrial fibrillation or other arrhythmias currently
  • DO NOT have or are at risk for lymphedema


If eligible, how can the YMCA’s BPSM program help you?

Joining the YMCA’s BPSM program is an investment in your health and a commitment to reducing your risk for heart attack or stroke through:

  • Reduction in blood pressure
  • Increased awareness of triggers that elevate blood pressure levels
  • Strategies for developing healthier eating habits and controlling blood pressure through diet


Cottingham Campus
1/1/25 - 12/31/25

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberNon-Member
1/1/25 12/31/25 Online / Front Desk $ 80.00$ 120.00

Available Sessions

01/01/25 - 12/31/25